• 5/2021-8/2021

    Software engineer intern

    Snowflake Inc, MI, USA

    - Investigate, test and compare public libraries in various programming languages for time series forecasting problem.

    - Design and implement an automatic hyper-parameter tuning function for time series forecasting using the Weka package (Java).

  • 2019-Present

    Research Assistant

    Teana Lab, MI, USA

    - Analyze data, implement and optimize a multi-task learning model for the motivational interviewing problem. I worked on a novel loss function that utilizes the hierarchical structure of the class labels (Python, Pytorch).

    - Tutor a total of 48 students (11 groups) to apply machine learning, design patterns, Agile methodology to real-world problems and to create 11 applications from scratch (including mobile, web, and business tools).

  • 2/2019-8/2019

    Full-stack developer

    Kikaitech Inc, Hanoi, Vietnam

    - Successfully deploy a web application, assured real-time user interaction. I designed API and refactored back-end code in Scala. I modified Front-end in React/Redux.

    - There was a significant latency when users enter information into a page that has too many input fields. I improved the performance of the application (100,000+ users) by redesigning the data flow and re-implementing the application’s forms.

  • 4/2017-8/2019

    Undergraduate Research Assistant

    KTLab, Hanoi, Vietnam

    - Build the state-of-the-art deep learning-based system for intent metadata extraction for Vietnamese. texts including part-of-speech tagging, chunking, and named entity recognition (paper, demo).

    - Built a model that can automatically extract metadata from publications (Git).